Its the weekends,and my table is a wreck.i think i need a bigger table...ngaa. Tough week for utpians here and othr uni students alike,gud luck people.we are going to need it,baaaad.
you should see my table on a regular day at utp. not even near to finals, or tests. my table is always so covered in stuff and junk, you can't even tell there's a table under there. mwahahaha.
tech junkie,
ceiling gazer,
music junkie thru and thru,
art enthusiast in all its glory,
part time photo editor, part time english literature enthusiast..
full blown human
honey,u havent seen my joint...LOL. u call that messy???! tsk tsk
post it up for us to see, and ill judge whether its messy or not.loL~
i need to be tidier..;p
wat is it with utp students and pics of their table??
*referring to sang putri's pic as well*
btw,dats not messy..ive seen worst..haha..
haha, i think put copied my entry!
i'm going to have to ask from her some royalty or
mebe ill post one when its nice and kemas.huhu~
u call that messy??
you should see my table on a regular day at utp. not even near to finals, or tests. my table is always so covered in stuff and junk, you can't even tell there's a table under there. mwahahaha.
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